Why the blog?

I write as the Spirit moves me. I have prayed about what I'm supposed to do with my life a lot. A lot. Writing. Writing is what I believe God is leading me to do. Whether or not He wants me to write for anyone to read is His business. Much of my writing has been therapy for me so maybe I'm the only one who is supposed to read it. So, why the Blog? As a sounding board, a note pad, a place to keep my ideas and thoughts. A place to share and promote my books, and photography. Written prayers, a place to vent. Possibly, even a place for the unknown reader to learn about the love of Jesus.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Today's thoughts.

Generally speaking, writers write because we have words in our head.  Some have a specific message they want to get out to a specific audience.  Some have an interesting story to tell.  For as long as I can remember, I have had words in my head.  I was what you would call a daydreamer.  I would take a child's "what if" and turn it into a running dialogue in my head that would last for days or even weeks.  In elementary school I began to write the daydreams down.  I paid attention in English and Literature classes. When we were instructed to read certain books and told to write essays on them I was one of the few people who enjoyed it. I loved Red Badge of Courage, the Scarlet Letter, and Huckleberry Finn, to name a few.  As I got older I read the classics.  It took me a year to read through Les Miserable and then Moby Dick, the first I loved, the latter not so much.

I can't remember when I started telling myself stories to fall asleep, however, that's how the writing in my adult years began.  The "daydream" turned into a real dream that I continued for several nights. I thought it was interesting so I began writing down my dreams.

My life changed, my faith evolved and my thoughts and dreams began having a theme, a message, something worthy of sharing. My thoughts now evolve around past experiences, good and bad and my believes and hopes for the future. The "what ifs" have meaning now and I try a little harder to share my faith and hopefully encourage others to ask "what if?"

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Colleen Wait Edits

Colleen Wait Edits