I recently watched the movie, "Letters to God". It was a rainy day and I needed something to watch while on the treadmill. Overall, it was good, albeit predictable, movie. It was sad and I cried while doing my sprints. A warm, heartfelt movie that made me think.
Would you ever write a letter to God? I mean a real, pen on paper letter. The old-fashioned kind that you write out in long hand. Not a text or an e-mail.
I know, our prayers are the way we communicate with God, however, somehow an actual, physical letter seems different. It takes your most intimate thoughts, feelings, wants, concerns, anger - whatever - and makes them somehow more real, authentic, tangible.
I personally find it more difficult to write things on paper. Even harder than typing into a computer. For instance, the marriage class my husband and I took part in. We had to write things in the notebook, on paper. It was very....intimate.
So, would you?
What would you say?
Would you let anyone read it?
Would you ever put a stamp on it and put it in the mail?
I'm planning on putting a 'Letters to God' box in the lobby of my church building just to see what happens. Will anyone notice? Will anyone put letters in? Or will it get ignored like so many of our Bibles?
Prayers can take a second, a few minutes. Sometimes not a lot of thought goes into them exempt, "i want" "i need" "do this" "do that"...gimme, gimme, gimme. A physical letter, now that takes some thought.
I challenge you. Do it. Write a letter to God. Take it one step further.
Make it a love letter.
"You show that you are a letter from Christ, the result of our ministry, written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of human hearts." 2 Corinthians 3
Just as we write our letters, remember that we ARE a letter. Written by God.
"You show that you are a letter from Christ, the result of our ministry, written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of human hearts." 2 Corinthians 3
Just as we write our letters, remember that we ARE a letter. Written by God.