Why the blog?

I write as the Spirit moves me. I have prayed about what I'm supposed to do with my life a lot. A lot. Writing. Writing is what I believe God is leading me to do. Whether or not He wants me to write for anyone to read is His business. Much of my writing has been therapy for me so maybe I'm the only one who is supposed to read it. So, why the Blog? As a sounding board, a note pad, a place to keep my ideas and thoughts. A place to share and promote my books, and photography. Written prayers, a place to vent. Possibly, even a place for the unknown reader to learn about the love of Jesus.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Freedom Race, an excerpt

  "You beast! How dare you invade our planet and tear our lives apart, and then call us uncivilized!?" Francene screamed just to keep warm.  She knew nothing she said would change his mind.  Her strength was quickly fading.  Becoming angry gave her a short rush of adrenalin.
  Fromar scooped up a handful of rocks and began throwing them at Francene, then Nina and Patty.  Oh, god, they thought, as the rocks pelted their bodies, we're going to be stoned to death, just like they did in the Bible.  Francene remembered the story her grandmother told her about the adulterous woman facing stoning and how Jesus saved her and about Stephen being stoned to death.
  The people in the complex had begun to come back outside when they saw the Prinatorian leader return.  They felt helpless, afraid to do anything to help.  The aliens were shocked, confused, why is our leader doing this?  This is not right. Has he gone mad?  If I try to stop him, what will he do to me? What will the others do to me?  Fromar saw the people and ordered them and his guards to throw rocks, but they just stood there, including the aliens, and stared, dumbfounded.  This made him angrier so he threw harder, hitting the three prisoners with sharp accuracy.  The blood from the prisoners wounds stained the freshly fallen snow, slowly draining them of their life.

Freedom Race, an independently published novel.

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Colleen Wait Edits

Colleen Wait Edits