One person in particularly absolutely wanted to remain anonymous, which prompted me to go in an entirely different direction with the article. I did what all good reporters do. I Googled 'giving'. I lost count of all the posts after page two. Well, I had to do the article anyway because I am not one to give up. God led me to take a different approach. Ask people what and why and see what answers you get. Here are a few questions. Please answer honestly and either reply to this post or send your reply to:
Names will not be used.
1. Why do you give (to charities, etc.)
2. Do you give anonymously? Why or why not?
3. What is your opinion on stories showcasing individuals or companies who make large donations to charities?
4. Agree or disagree: Giving is a spiritual act of worship.
5. Are you more or less motivated to give when you read about others and their experience with giving?
Thank you Joel, I appreciate your input.