Why the blog?

I write as the Spirit moves me. I have prayed about what I'm supposed to do with my life a lot. A lot. Writing. Writing is what I believe God is leading me to do. Whether or not He wants me to write for anyone to read is His business. Much of my writing has been therapy for me so maybe I'm the only one who is supposed to read it. So, why the Blog? As a sounding board, a note pad, a place to keep my ideas and thoughts. A place to share and promote my books, and photography. Written prayers, a place to vent. Possibly, even a place for the unknown reader to learn about the love of Jesus.

Friday, October 12, 2012

In My Head , Happy Daisy part 3

(This is a continuation of a short story, a dream really.  It's far fetched, not meant to have any basis in reality. After all, it was a dream).

The ballot was opened, revealing all of the names of the candidates for President, Senate, and all of the other seats open for re-election.  The author of the Happy Daisy blog was relieved to not see any familiar names.  In the write-in space, a name was written in.  The ballot was turned in, then the author went home, read a book, then went to bed.  A loud whirring noise and a ringing doorbell interrupted a nice dream.

"Are you Daisy Bell?" asked the police officer.

"Yes."  Daisy looked around.  There was a mob of police, reporters and spectators outside in front of her home and up and down the street.  "What is going on?"

"May we come in?  We'll explain inside."  The officer pointed to three men dressed in black suits.

"I guess."  Daisy led the men into her living room and offered them a seat.

"First," stated the officer, "I need some identification.  A driver's license, Social Security Card, and your birth certificate if you happen to have it."

"Okay.  But can you tell me what is going on? Why are all those people outside?"

"Did you vote yesterday, ma'am?" asked one of the suits.


"Did you watch the results?"


"Are you aware of the write in campaign."

"Vaguely."  Daisy's heart dropped into her stomach.  She was in trouble for her blog. She handed the documents to the officer.

"She's qualified,"  he stated.

"Qualified for what?"

"Ma'am," began the suit, "ninety percent of Americans voted in this election.  That's never happened.  Of those 90%, 85% of them voted for a write in.  They all voted for the same write in. That write in won in every state.  That write in was you?"

"Excuse me?"  Daisy dropped into a chair.  "I voted.  I wrote in a name, but not my own.  Wait, you're saying that my, name,  Daisy Bell, was the write-in?"

"No ma'am, not exactly.  Happy Daisy was the write in.  The electorate agreed.  Happy Daisy was traced to your blog and ultimately to you.  You won the election."

"That's not possible!" exclaimed Daisy.  "Is that even legal?"

"Write-ins are legal ma'am.  Since you are Happy Daisy, then you have been nominated as President of the United States, if you accept."

"You are Happy Daisy, are you not ma'am?" asked the officer.

"Well, yes.  But are you sure they meant me? I mean there could be someone else."

"No ma'am. You are it."

"Oh wow.  That's just incredible.  You know, I wrote that blog, not as a joke, but to get people to pay attention to the candidates.  To make an informed decision.  I'm not sure I succeeded."

"Ma'am," began the officer.  "I read your blog.  I voted for you.  I was well informed."

"Seriously?"  Daisy could not believe her ears or her eyes.  She looked out the window and saw people with signs saying 'I voted for Daisy'.  The onlookers were chanting her name.  "So what now?"

"You need to make a statement to the press," stated the officer.  "You should get dressed first."

"No, they've waited long enough," answered Daisy.  "They voted for me, well, this is me." Daisy opened her front door.  The crowd erupted into cheers.  The press rushed towards her with cameras and microphones aimed in her direction.  She raised her hand to wave and the roars became silence.  "Hello everyone.  My name is Daisy Bell and I accept the position you have elected me to."

The press began firing questions at her.  "What will be your first move?"  "Who is your cabinet?"  "What makes you think you can be President?"  "Was election fraud involved?"

....What do you think Daisy will do next?  What do you think she should do?

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