Why the blog?

I write as the Spirit moves me. I have prayed about what I'm supposed to do with my life a lot. A lot. Writing. Writing is what I believe God is leading me to do. Whether or not He wants me to write for anyone to read is His business. Much of my writing has been therapy for me so maybe I'm the only one who is supposed to read it. So, why the Blog? As a sounding board, a note pad, a place to keep my ideas and thoughts. A place to share and promote my books, and photography. Written prayers, a place to vent. Possibly, even a place for the unknown reader to learn about the love of Jesus.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Awesome book review!

This is a 5-star review of my book, "Captured" as posted on Smashwords.

Emotional as well as physical survival is the theme of "Captured". Caged for years by a primitive jungle tribe reduced Lauren's existence to a daily struggle for survival. More horrifying than her life as a captive is her mental struggle with her lost innocence. Can she face her demons? Lauren's repressed emotional trauma must be faced for her to regain sanity. Like trying to hold a beachball underwater eventually her demons surge up to hit her (and you)in the face. "Captured" is a tale that will capture you.

"Captured"  is now available as an ebook through Smashwords and Amazon and will be available as a paperback through Amazon in approximately 2 weeks.  

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Colleen Wait Edits

Colleen Wait Edits