Why the blog?

I write as the Spirit moves me. I have prayed about what I'm supposed to do with my life a lot. A lot. Writing. Writing is what I believe God is leading me to do. Whether or not He wants me to write for anyone to read is His business. Much of my writing has been therapy for me so maybe I'm the only one who is supposed to read it. So, why the Blog? As a sounding board, a note pad, a place to keep my ideas and thoughts. A place to share and promote my books, and photography. Written prayers, a place to vent. Possibly, even a place for the unknown reader to learn about the love of Jesus.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Go into al the world.... part 2

This entry is the second installment with the theme of: "Godly people I know who live Mark 16:15-16 and Matthew 28:19-20." Loretta Parrish is, in my opinion, the person who most exemplifies these verses.  I have had the great pleasure of knowing Loretta for 15 years. Her life story is quite amazing. I do not have the time or space to tell it properly, therefore, I am only giving a snippet of her heart:

1) Loretta, who do you say Jesus is?

Jesus is the Creator God, who chose to humble himself to become a flesh and blood man born to one of the women of His creation.  He came to be the savior and redeemer of the lost children of every age - for those who choose to trust in him and obey.  God is one God with three persons, Father, Son (word) and Holy Spirit.

2) When did you first believe this and what did you do about it?

I first believed at the age of eleven and made the choice to follow him.  I was baptized and began teaching a Sunday School class almost immediately.  A few years later, I became very hurt and angry with my Lord because I thought he had been unjust and harsh toward me.  It took about six years of  struggling with my pride and resentment, with my conscience fighting for  my repentance.  Finally, I prayed and told God that I was sorry and just wanted to come home but did not know how.  He lovingly led me back and has helped me develop and very close and personal relationship, including giving me understanding of the hurt and anger of my youth.

3) What have you done in the past to "Tell the World"?

Three of my strongest gifts of the Holy Spirit are sheparding, teaching and discernment.  Before I knew these were gifts given me to glorify God and to equip the body of Christ, I knew they were part of my being.  I was always drawn to teaching, counseling and reaching out to people.  My husband used to say I had a mark on the forehead that attracted those people who needed me.  I worked with many women struggling with marriage, parenting and many who were returning to the workforce.  I also volunteered with a pregnancy counseling center and women in abusive relationships.  I owned and operated an adolescent substance abuse treatment center for many years.  We did not just treat the teens but also their parents and siblings.  The treatment model was adapted to the teachings of the Bible.  Every client was given their own Bible and we had weekly classes they could request to attend.  It was amazing to see the changes when God was invited in to help with recovery.  Over the years, I have been invited to speak at various women's events, both in the church and in the secular world.

4) What would you like to do in the future?

My prayer to God is that He will take me home the day after I am useful in the Kingdom.  So, the answer would be more of the same.  I seek to keep myself aware of the leading of the Spirit and to respond immediately.  Whatever God wants me to do, I want to do.  It is important to me to walk the walk that I teach others.  I also seek to empower those I teach to develop their own close, personal relationship with our Lord and to also listen to His voice.

5) Who inspires you?

Besides Jesus, my inspiration has been King David and the apostle Paul.  I devour their writings to direct my thinking, and try to learn from their mistakes.  As for people on earth, my parents and grandmothers definitely set the role model of  seeking God with all your heart, mind, soul and strength.  I watched them individually study the Bible daily, worship in spirit and in truth, and serve others as if it were Christ himself.  Anyone who empties self and lets the love of God fill their hearts to serve others will always inspire me.  I have known many of these humble servants over the years.

6) You have lived through many trials.  What helps you to keep your eyes on Jesus? What do you do when you feel in despair? 

The Word.  I learned from my period of hurt and rebellion that nothing in the physical world (no matter how bad, how hard, how painful or how humiliating) gives evidence of God's love for me.  He loves me because He said He does - He is the unchangeable God.  All things work together for my good because He said they would if I love him and am called according to the promise.  I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.  He is greater than every thing of the created world because he created that world.  What I do when my flesh feels despair?  I pray and tell him everything, including my anger, fear and evil thoughts.  I read scriptures that help the situation.  Finally, I simply obey and ask him to forgive them - and then ask that he help me mean it.  For instance, there are some things that are almost impossible to forgive and forget.  But, we are told that if we seek we will find; if we ask we will receive; and, if we knock he will answer.  So the bottom line is:  Trust and Obey - He does the rest.

7) What are you passionate about?

Jesus Christ died so that we can have life eternal and be restored to the Father.  Therefore, I am passionate about seeking to know Him so intimately and personally that the power of my flesh fades into oblivion.  I am passionate about teaching others, helping others and seeking the lost children.

8) I often refer to you as my moral compass.  You have also been my 2nd mother, mentor, teacher, and friend.  Many people feel the same way. Why do you think this is and how do you feel about it?

When the Spirit equipped me for service in the body, this became the greatest joy I could ever know.  You are my heart and my blessing, as are all the other young women and some men that God has brought into my life.  I feel humbled but very joyful and filled with love.  A previous question referred to how hard my life has been on many fronts, and it truly has been hard.  But all of the women, men, teens and children that are brought into my life heals every wound because the things I learned in the hard times are what all of you need.  So, they just prepared me to love people.

9) What would you like to say to the readers from around the globe who do not know Jesus?

Look around at all the things created by Jesus - heavens, earth, fish, animals, birds, trees, green things, the wind, the waves.  He created them in perfection but our selfish and self-willed sins have brought the defects.  Jesus was God and came to live on earth in human flesh.  Because he chose to perfectly trust and obey the Father even to death, he redeemed us from the death and decay of sin.  The Good News is that he conquered the grave and with that act give us the ability to conquer the grave and have eternal life.  He then gave us a gift - He sent the Holy Spirit to dwell in the heart, mind and soul of the redeemed.  The Spirit can do everything we cannot if we give up self will and trust and obey.  The Spirit will give us love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.  He will teach us, correct us, lead us and comfort us.  What does the world offer that is greater than that?

10) In closing, is there anything you would like to add?

The greatest commandment is:  Love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind, soul and strength.  The second greatest commandment is:  Love your neighbor as your self.  

Everything in the Law of Moses and spoken by the prophets were based on those two commandments.  When we leave this earth and join our Lord in heaven, these two commandments will define how we will live.  There is no law or requirement by God that cannot be met by obeying those two commands.  These are not suggestions.  They are commands.  Let us trust and obey.

*** Loretta, I am honored to be able to call you friend and sister in Christ. ***

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